I've told them that we're going to walk at 6:45-7 every morning and everyday up until today, I've gone in to remind them. Today, Daddy told me to begin with 'reality consequences' for their choices to give them the opportunity to grow up and own their education, etc, and so when I went in their today, I said I was leaving in 'five' and that they could decide to go or stay, but I also reminded them that there were consequences to every choice they made and that they really wouldn't like the consequences of their choice if they stayed in bed...one twin began giving me all the reasons why he wanted to stay in bed and guess what I did? I walked out of the room to get my shoes and he understood I wasn't going to change my mind...they were ready when I left and we had a good talk about choices, consequences, and law! I reminded them that there is NO law for us when we choose to do things God's way!
Then there are those moments when it's all I can do but take a deep breath and NOT open my mouth and just wait...wait for them to get the hint that their actions are either wrong or they need to be quiet and listen to my words...
Oh, yes...the times, and oh how many, when they just HAVE to tell me something when they should be quietly working! I told twin A that he is a slave to his thoughts if he doesn't control what he lets out of his mouth as a result of not controlling what he's thinking about...and that he has control of his mind, because Jesus has given him the power to take his thoughts captive in obedience to the Word...
The other morning I woke up from a nightmare in which both twins and their little friend, Jordan, were in life jackets and yet one of the twins was drowning and so was Jordan, and the other twin was trying to save both of them and he, too, was drowning in the ocean...and I was screaming for someone to jump in and help them...I woke with such a jolt and rebuked the dream and continued to take those thoughts captive to the Truth, but then I asked Daddy about it. He reminded me that training is vital to survival as well as in helping others. I thought about the Boy Scouts and the training boys get in survival skills as well as the military constantly training before they actually have to use their skills. Those kinds of dreams, although very vivid and disturbing, only serve to remind me how important it is for me to stay focused on 'eating His words for myself first and listening carefully to them' (Ezek. 3:10) and THEN to tell them the words of the Lord...and to take seriously my task today...
...for one day, they, too, will fly away! But for today, I will hold them close to my heart and treasure these moments!
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