So, for fun learning, we are playing it for spelling. The coolest thing is that we didn't have to go and buy the game, we're just using our Scrabble letters. I like it so much more than Scrabble because we don't have to wait to take turns...everyone picks either eleven or twenty-one one letters, depending on how many are playing and then you play your own game. If you can't use a letter, you 'dump' it, and pick up three more. If you use all your letters, you say, 'peel'. Then everyone has to pick up one letter...the first one to use all their letters, wins!
I was quite impressed when Caleb spelled DEFINITELY! Genius!
Why can't learning be fun?
Yesterday, I needed time off! So we headed out to the library to pick up a book Isaac had put on hold and then headed to the Japanese Tea Garden and took in the beauty and lots of pix!
The first creature Isaac found: a stink bug...and do they smell bad!
I think posing is their favorite thing when the camera is on!
The caretaker of the Gardens asked if they'd like to feed the giant fish~that was so cool.
Rocks and boys go together like peanut butter and jelly...until the workers come around...they got down before they were noticed. What is a mother to do?
Just to get a picture of the size of this building...
Unscheduled days off are great every once and a while, don't ya think?