October 28, 2010

October is almost gone...

Hard to imagine that this month has almost ended and I've not written much.  That is NOT to say things haven't been going on around here; quite the contrary.
One truly fascinating thing that's happened is their eagerness to sit down and read this book we're using for our Bible study this semester called, "GENESIS, Finding Our Roots" by Ruth Beechick.  They are absolutely loving this book, as am I. 
It has truly worked well for Bible history as well as secular history, too.  Yesterday, for example, we talked about Sumer, the Sumerians, their language, their gods, which took us to talk about the Fertile Crescent, or the Cradle of civilization, which then led to a discussion in geography and ziggurats
I've coupled that book with another I bought from someone late in August FOR ONLY $5!:  "The Mystery of History",  Volume l,  Creation to the Resurrection by Linda Lacour Hobar.   It, too, is a wonderful resource.
Their next favorite subject seems to be Logic!  Go figure.  We're using the "The Fallacy Detective"  by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn that I purchased new from Amazon.  It was a little less expensive than the Fallacy Detective website, but I do love their site for the funny videos.

We're also taking them along with us to The Truth Project every Sunday evening.  They don't really want to be there, but once the video begins, they're all ears! 
I believe, as a result of hearing the truth in these videos, eventually things will click with them and they'll have a deeper understanding about the worldview they hold and the why behind it.  At least that's my prayer...they never cease to amaze me, so who knows, except Jesus, what effect this class is having on their hearts.

As I prayed for wisdom and direction for this school year, it is evident that He has orchestrated the intertwining of these classes.  They all are in agreement, build on the other and are developing a strong foundation of truth in the their hearts.  WHY oh why do I fret so much?

The bottom line is trust, then a step, trust, then another step, always keeping my eyes on Him who is invisible.  But isn't that what walking by faith is anyways? 
Just keep stepping, Daune.

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