This school/life year has been an incredible journey.
The co-op we're a part of has stretched all of us and yet there's so much growing up to do.
We've had biology classes, debates, public speaking speeches to memorize and give before a bunch of adults in December and days of reading books that this mom has thoroughly enjoyed!
Together, we read:
C.S. Lewis' book, "Mere Christianity"
"The Deadliest Monster" by J.F. Baldwin
"Know Why You Believe" by Paul Little
"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"
"Know What You Believe"
"Assumptions" by Christian Overman
...and now we're waiting for "Never Before in History" by Gary Amos to arrive in the mail. Thought I bought it, but must not have...
We only have four more weeks left! It's hard to believe we (I) didn't give up. I felt more stretched as I kept plugging away at encouraging, reminding, and occasionally threatening them to "complete your sheets of the week's work so I can sign them!"
I thought we'd drop out this coming year, but I am absolutely certain that they, as well as I, need the discipline, structure and accountability. I am looking forward to next year already!
Praise God for moms that are committed to teaching their, as well as other's kids! I have loved this year.
I asked Caleb what one overall thing he learned this year. His response:
"Life is hard, but school is harder."
One day, they will get it. I am certain.